Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You are the country in ME!

Ah the CMT music awards were on tonight and I must say. I do find myself falling for that little blond Taylor Swift. She's pretty fun! She's the it girl of the moment.

I find myself more and more identifying with country singers, well because I know my heart is in Texas. But the more and more I take a look at the country scene I realize that there's a huge void! And as the opportunist that I am. I'm thinking about becoming the first Asian American Country Pop idol! Yeee Haw!

How about that! I mean Darius Rucker (the old Hootie) is the Token Black guy! So where's the token Asian guy? So that's it! I'm picking up my geeetar! Strummin up a storm and look out Tim Mgraw! Here comes something spicier, pickled, and barbecued!

Now I have to figure out what my stage name would be for the country diet? Hmmm. I mean I was born in Pusan, Korea which is from the way down South in Korea. So I guess that would make me a Southerner, or Korean Konfederate, right? Maybe I'll redesign the Korean Flag with a ying yang in the center juxtaposed on top of the x star bands of the confederacy! I mean come on, the US South was led by a general with the last name of LEE! So there's definitely some Korean blood lines somewhere in that band of shotgun-wielding cowboys!

So the official name could be Chee Kim. Hmm. Maybe that's too obvious! How about Bi Bim POP. Well that would be a new style of music! I can see it now!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the top new artist in the Bi Bim POP music category is! Chee Kim! Of course if I was in Korea everyone would be chanting , Kim Chee, Kim Chee! Since you always say the last name first! So I guess I were really bad I'd be covered in pickled cabbage - er maybe I should scratch Chee Kim.

But SERIOUSLY! There's a major opportunity! So I'm going to go for it! Look for my first double platinum album to come out in 2011. soaring to the top of the charts! I hope that I can get my friend to drop some tracks with me. The only Korean American I know who is a hard core country fan. (You know who you are - thank you for being the (country) music in me).


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